Friday, September 01, 2006


Repeatedly demanding "WHY DO YOU CARE???" of the fellow grad-sters in a debate about hipsters and pomo was not the best approach to winning the argument.

Still I feel it was a good question.

I better get to that Sontag exhibit on Sunday. She and I hold hands in the slatted dark of "barely closeted moral[ism]." Favorite sentence so far: "A sensibility is almost, but not quite, ineffable."

Around here we are considering the effects of emotional interference on thinking, the well-oiled machine of this baseball town, and "The Unicorn in Captivity," which is one of several luscious and gut-boggling tapestries in the unicorn room of the Cloisters. I want there to be a sign over the door: "Post-little girls, beware your imaginary."


nori said...

So classes have started, then?

Sorry I couldn't meet up with you when I was in NY. If I'm there as much as I'd like to be in the near future (though, Oct - Dec might be India(!)), I'll definitely stop by. :)

Anonymous said...

are you here, then? have classes started? i want to hear everything.

THE FIRE BOSS (aka EFF BEE) said...

here, yes; classes, no. this happened the night of the new students' reception. classes tuesday!